Earn In August, Redeem in September!
For every $50 you add to a single order (before shipping & tax), Stampin’ Up! will email you a $5 coupon to use in September! That means today would be a fantastic time to order an exclusive bundle from the Color Your Season promotion (see above), because you will get a coupon for every $50 you spend! Then, in September, you can use your coupon(s) when the Holiday Catalog starts!
- An email address is required to participate. Make sure your email is correct before closing your order! Bonus Days coupon codes can be delivered only via email.
- VERY IMPORTANT - Make sure not only to save your Bonus Days coupon codes email, write them down in a safe place. These codes are only generated once, so they can't be resent. This also means lost codes cannot be recovered.
- Orders that are started before the promotion begins will not go toward earning coupon codes.
- There is no limit to the number of coupon codes participants can earn per order or throughout the duration of the Bonus Days earning period.
- There is no limit to the number of coupon codes participants can use on an order during the redemption period in September.
- Bonus Days coupon codes may be redeemed for any product (excluding Starter Kits and Paper Pumpkin month-to-month subscriptions.)
- New prepaid Paper Pumpkin codes may be discounted with Bonus Days coupon codes.
- Bonus Days coupon codes may be redeemed one time only.
Don't Forget To Use My Host Codes to Get Exclusive Specials from Me - Choose the One That Pertains To Your Order:
- Ordering the Blended Seasons Bundle? - Use Host Code W7CDKV3V* (CLICK HERE to find out about My Exclusive Special during the Color Your Season Promotion).
- Not ordering the bundle? - use Host Code BHQHAENS** (CLICK HERE to find out about my August Giveaway).
*If your Blended Seasons Bundle order is $150 or more (before shipping & tax) do NOT use the host code. You'll still receive the camp of your choice free (see article above).
**If your order is $150 or more (before shipping & tax), do NOT use the host code. You'll still get this month's Host Code Giveaway (see article below).
Get exclusive how-to videos, card sketch/color combo challenges, and more! Click the picture above to find out how you can qualify to be in my Create With Christy's VIP Stampers Facebook Group |